Automate customer research and copywriting
Make your offer competitive in evolving markets
Unlock hotter and hotter Leads as colonelle keeps learning about you
Our crowdsourced database combines your network data with other like minded professionals to augment your potential reach.
Research your target's most urgent needs with our marketing framework based on current social data.
People listen when you address a problem they experience deeply.
With colonelle, extract the questions that get a community engaged and punch through the algorithm.
Identify key players in your market, like competitors or potential partners and compare their Ideal Customer Profiles with yours.
Should you compete head first? Should you partner up or can you differentiate enough?
Receive contextual tips and take appropriate action
The fundamental building block for content is text: Write script for videos, linkedin carousels or posts.
Associate battle tested OpenAi prompts with your data to generate copy that feels like you, and converts readers into loyal clients.
Colonelle is not an automation tool, and will not scrape your cookies. This means that using our service will not cause Linkedin to restrict your account.